White Girl Thanks Everyone Who’s Compared Her to a Black Girl

On Media Outlook News: Most Black people know we’re a blessed, sacred and regal culture. While it seems as if most White people are unaware or consciously denying such truth, one young White woman appears a bit more enlightened than her pale comrades.


In a two-part Snapchat video, uploaded by Mediatakeout, she explains why she appreciates being compared to a Black girl.

“Everyone always tells me why do you wanna be a black girl, this and that,” the unidentified woman began in the video captioned “Black women make this world go round.”

“But in reality, Black girls are winning,” she continued. “You constantly hear Black girls calling each other queens or saying ‘yes, slay bitch slay.’ You never hear Black girls talk down on social media so you know what thank you, thank you for calling me a Black girl. I appreciate it.”

In the second Snapchat vid, the woman acknowledges her reality as a White woman but says anyone who calls her Black is essentially complementing TF out of her.

“I mean don’t get me wrong, ya know. I know I’m white. I can’t turn black,” she said. “If somebody’s going to give me the opportunity to be called independent and strong and beautiful and this and this and that and everything that comes with being a beautiful black girl, thank you. I’ll take it, thank you.”


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