#Video: Wendy Williams passes out on live TV. Here's the scary moment. Prayers up

On Media Outlook News: This was no Halloween stunt. Wendy Williams fainted Tuesday morning on her The Wendy Williams Show as it aired live on the East Coast.


Dressed as the Statue of Liberty for Halloween, Williams was introducing a segment about Halloween costumes when she suddenly stopped talking, began visibly shaking, lost her balance and collapsed. (You can watch a clip below). The show then cut to an extended commercial break before Williams came back on-air and addressed the audience.
“That was not a stunt,” a smiling Williams said. “I’m overheated in my costume and did not pass out. But you know what? I’m a champ and I’m back.”
“Wendy is feeling much better, a rep for the show told Deadline. “She overheated because of her heavy costume, makeup, and lights. She was able to finish the show in true Wendy spirit. She will address the incident on tomorrow’s show.”

Before signing off, Williams asked, “Is that the end of the show? Was I passed out that long?!”


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